Marta PCampos

Current Call[1]

Current Call[1] shows a video call between two computers in the same space, in the same room. In this video creation, we see a single person greeting each other over and over again. Normally, a video call is used to establish a communication channel between people who are at a distance by offering them the possibility to talk and see each other. In Current Call[1], this type of software serves as the basis for an egocentric language exercise, where the only contact established is with oneself.

The objective of a video call is to act as a medium between people who are at a distance, offering them the possibility of talking and seeing each other. In Current Call[1], this type of software serves as the basis for an egocentric language exercise, where the only contact established is with oneself.

Current Call[1] shows us communication as an oppressive act, with scenes in which we see attempts to establish contact with an interlocutor who is absent.


2018. The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale Equivocations Pavilion,  online exhibition.
2017. IVAHM International VideoArt Festival, Centro de Artes de Vanguardia La Neomudejar, Madrid (ES).