Marta PCampos


Marta Pérez Campos, 1990, Zaragoza (ES).

Visiting Predoctoral Research Fellow, Institut Medien, Kunstuniversität Linz, (March-May 2023), (AT).
PhD candidate at the Department of Art and Technology, UPV/EHU: University of the Basque Country. Bilbao (2019 – present), (ES).
Master Interface Cultures at the Kunstuniversität Linz (2014 – 2018), (AT).
Bachelor in Fine Arts at the University of Zaragoza (2008-2012), (ES).


Scholarships and Awards:

Artistic production scholarship at Casa de Velázquez, Madrid (ES)
Selected to receive one of the 15 Research Grants in Social Sciences and Humanities of the Banco Sabadell Foundation.
Research residency at IAMAS: Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, Gifu (JP).


Artistic Residencies:

Hedy Lamarr FZCC, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
Open Call Laboratory 987, MUSAC: Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y León, León (ES).
Reverberadas: European Network of Art and Science, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).


Solo Exhibitions:

1914-2014, Centro de Historias, Zaragoza, (ES).
1914-2014, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, (ES).
1914-2014, MUSAC: Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y León, León (ES).
The error and the voice, exhibition room CMU Pablo Serrano, University of Zaragoza, Teruel (ES).


Group Exhibitions:

Ludic Aesthetics: Processing Community Day 2024, online exhibition, FBAUP Porto, (PT).
Encura Revolución Horizontal II: Conjurar el vínculo. Casa de Velázquez, Madrid (ES).
The Wrong Biennale nº5, online exhibition, round & round we go Pavilion.
Cinco itinerarios con un punto de vista. Colección MUSAC. MUSAC: Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y León, León (ES).
Somos Makers, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
BestOFF 2018, Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz (AT).
I International Congress Atenea: Women artists, technologists, UPV Valencia, Valencia (ES).
BMM: Bienal Miradas de Mujeres,  online exhibition.
The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale, Equivocations Pavilion, online exhibition.
Schmiede – Playground of Ideas, Hallein, Austria.
Plastic Planet, Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao (ES).
Participant at  ‘Diffractive Interfaces’, Sonar 2017, Barcelona (ES).
IVAHM International VideoArt Festival, Centro de Artes de Vanguardia La Neomudejar, Madrid (ES).
Selected project at Tricky Women Festival 2017,Vienna (AT).
Appdate. Ausstellung zu App-Kulturen und App-Kunst, Neuwerk in Konstanz (DE).
IV Jornadas de Divulgación Innovadora, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
xCoAx 2016, GAMeC, Bergamo (IT).
Reverberadas: Exploraciones sobre arte digital y ciencia, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
“9 encuentros”. Exposición colectiva de nueve graduados en Bellas Artes, Teruel (ES).
‘Lange Nacht der Forschung’ exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz (AT).
Splace Magazine exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz (AT).
Selected project at Radar Award 2016 – student film program, Metro Kino, Vienna (AT).
The Wrong. New Digital Art Biennale, Interface Changes Cultures Pavillion, online exhibition.
push.conference – UX UI Creative Technology, Alte Kongresshalle, Munich (DE).
Post Post: Interface Culture @ Ars Electronica 2015, Linz (AT).
Into the Web – Web Sciences Journal, Kunstuniversität Linz (AT).
IVAHM International VideoArt Festival, Centro de Artes de Vanguardia La Neomudejar, Madrid (ES).
IV Festival Aragonés de Cine y Mujer, Andorra, Teruel (ES).
Unmade Displays, FilmForumFestival Udine, Udine (IT)
Muggesturm am Müggelsee, Alte Schule Adlershof, Berlin (DE).
Interface Culture Musikkapelle, bb15, Linz (AT).

„I <3 Kunst”, Kunsthalle at Kunsthochschule Weissensee, Berlin (DE).
Sesión POOL (with Galería Alternativa), Campo de Cebada, Madrid (ES).
Proyector13. 6º Festival Internacional de Videoarte, Madrid (ES).

„Reflejos“, Galeria Alternativa, Zaragoza (ES).
De la Web a la Pared, IAACC Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza (ES).
Lars von Triers „Gesamt Project, Copenhagen Art Festival, Copenhague (DK).


Conferences and Talks:

Politics of Machines. POM Aachen – lifelikness & beyond: ‘Unveiling New Voices: Exploring Non-Human Perspectives in the Era of Algorithmic
Discourses’, RWTH Aachen University, (DE).
Speakers’s Corner ARCO Madrid & Arts Libris, The artist’s book as a link between the immaterial and the physical, Foro  ARCO, Madrid (ES).
I Conference on Art and AI:  Artistic practices and thinking around the technological turn and Artificial Intelligences, UPV/EHU, Bilbao (ES).
Ideas Digitales. Roundtable: «Creación transdisciplinar, digitalización y nuevos medios». Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
The Secret Life of Algorithms, Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz (AT).
ISEA 2022: 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art, CCCB, Barcelona (ES).
El lenguaje y la (in)comunicación humana, Ciclo de conversaciones “Arte y Enseñanza”, Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza, (ES).

xCoAx 2021: 9th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, participant at the Doctoral Symposium, Graz (AT) – online.
Affects,self-fulfilling profecies and automatisms, with Juan Manuel Aragüés and Ernesto Clar, Etopia: Centfor Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
Advisor at Women TechMakers Zaragoza 2019, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza, (ES).
‘1914-2014’ -Conversation with Jaime Vallaure, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (ES).
ON ART VIII, Edificio de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Zaragoza, Campus de Teruel (ES). 
VII Jornadas TIC’18 Cultural Creation in Spanish, Cultural Center Miguel Delibes, Valladolid (ES).
WomenTechMakers Zaragoza, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
xCoAx 2016, GAMeC, Bergamo (IT).
IV Jornadas de Divulgación Innovadora, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).



Aesthetic and Pedagogical Implications of Software. Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz (AT).
Birlibirloque de palabras: artistic cocreation session, Asociación AFDA, Centro Joaquín Roncal, Zaragoza (ES).
Light colors and screens, Etopia Kids Family, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
Technological challenges in early childhood and primary education: wearables + Lilypad, Centro de Profesorado María de Ávila, Zaragoza (ES).
About Ada Lovelace, Etopia Kids Family, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
Here is a rather peculiar interface, Etopia Kids Family, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES)
(Des)cifradores de mensajes. Etopia Kids Family, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES)
Survivors on Lost Planet: recycling and design
2D and 3D, Harinera ZGZ, Zaragoza, (ES).

ArTduino: training in Arduino as a creative tool for primary school teachers, Centro de Profesorado María de Ávila, Zaragoza (ES).
Code && Poetry: Automatism and Message Reinterpretation, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza, (ES).
‘Animando Palabras’, Harinera ZGZ, Zaragoza (ES).
La palabra … no está en el Diccionario’, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid (ES).
International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
‘Animando Palabras’, Biblioteca Municipal de Mallén, Zaragoza (ES).
‘Sensonautas’, Etopia. Center for Art and Technology, Zaragoza (ES).
‘1914-2014: Visibilización y Reciclaje de Palabras Muertas, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid (ES).
‘1914-2014: Visibilization and Recycling of Dead Words’, La Harinera, Zaragoza (ES).
‘The word… is not in the dictionary’, MUSAC/DEAC, León (ES).



Rinawi’ abalar with Mariana Arteaga. Dunkelkammer Sessions, Linz Sounds (AT) & Casa del Lago UNAM (MX).
1914-2014. Presentacción. Performance with Giusseppe Domínguez, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid (ES).
1914-2014. Presentacción. Performance with Giusseppe Domínguez, MUSAC: Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y León, León (ES).



Pérez-Campos, M. (2024). Software on the Spotlight and its Eventual Cloistering. Proceedings of EVA London 2024 (EVA 2024).

Pérez-Campos, M. (2024). Funciones estéticas y pedagógicas del software: una reflexión teórico-práctica con estudantes de máster. ANIAV -Revista de Investigación en Artes Visuales, Núm. 14.

Pérez-Campos, M. (2022). Taller (Des)cifradores de mensajes: Una manera de presentar el funcionamiento interno de un compilador a niños de 6 a 12 años desde la experimentación artística. Artnodes, 0(30).

Pérez-Campos, M. (2022). The Process of Word Automation: From the Spoken Word to the Algorithm. ISEA2022, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Barcelona. Proceedings. ISEA2022, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Barcelona.

Pérez-Campos, M. (2020). ‘Beyond Code Poetry: an Exploration of Programming Languages Performed from the Artistic Practice’: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. (pp.) ISBN 978-989-9049-06-2; 629 pages.

Pérez-Campos (2016), M. ‘BullShut App: A Social Interface to avoid small talk’. xCoAx 2016: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. (pp.369-373) ISBN: 978-989-746-094-4; 412 pages.