The communicative process is presented as a sequence of corrupted/glitched videos that do not allow us to see their original content.
The result is colored strips in which the recorded image is hidden, distorted and abstracted in color.
Guided by the sound, the viewer ends up with the same or even less information than before watching it.
![itdontmeannothing[0] © Marta PCampos itdontmeannothing[0]-exposicion](
![itdontmeannothing[0] © Marta PCampos Itdontmeannothing[0]-exposicion](
2015. Unmade Displays, FilmForumFestival Udine, Udine, (IT).
2015. Muggesturm am Müggelsee, Alte Schule Adlershof, Berlin, (DE).
2015. IV Festival Aragonés de Cine y Mujer, Andorra, Teruel (ES)